Mr. Freeze has long been absent from the Power Attack Batman pegs- despite the promises of the initial release card backs, the only villain who seemed readily available was Killer Croc. Well, Freeze has finally made an appearance. Was he worth the wait? Absolutely yes!!! And no...

Freeze comes on a blister card that matches the earlier releases. The front sports eye-catching artwork, the figure is nicely displayed, while protected, and the accessory is made to look like accessories. He's labelled as "Ice Blast" Mr. Freeze, so that he won't be confused with Flamethrower Mr. Freeze, I guess. The card back sports the same huge action panel with both characters in a pose that the figures can't match, shouting silly things at one another. In this case it's Freeze shouting for Batman to "Chill out". The package does its job well-enough. I really don't have any complaints, but the tray does the usual job of warping the accessories that are forced into them. In this case, it's the two halves of Freeze's Ice Blast...sword? The two halves snap together securely, fit into his hand tightly.

There's an additional nice touch, in that the hole in the sword fits snugly around a large disc on Freeze's back, which means he can take his weapon with him when he goes traveling. The plastic is translucent blue, which means that the pegs holding the two halves are clearly visible. The sword is huge, standing taller than the figure itself, but that seems to be the norm in this line (Two Face has a gargantuan gun, as well).

As far as Mr. Freeze, himself, goes, the figure is probably my favorite in the line so far. The sculpt is cool, and I do like the way the different plastics work together aesthetically. The idea is great. The execution isn't quite as terrific, but he's still good. Both arms are made of a translucent blue rubber, which looks great but feels very fragile. The smaller arm (left) is the worse of the two; moving the elbow joint feels like it's going to tear the arm every time. The torso and helmet are clear blue plastic, with paint applied over top or underneath. There's a bit of slop nearly everywhere, but not enough to really detract from the figure. The head sculpt is awesome- lots of angles and a very stern expression. Freeze has a nifty pair of goggles on, and seems to be sporting a mohawk. In terms of articulation, you get: swivel shoulders, hips and waist, and pin elbows (6 pts.). No, he's not going to be doing any dancing with your Play Arts Harley Quinn. And that's nearly it for Mr. Freeze. Nearly...

So everything sounds pretty good- this figure is right up there at the top of the line. But an odd thing happened when I went to display Freeze with my other Power Attack Batman figures:
I noticed that Batman can stare Freeze from eye to...chest. For some reason, Mr. Freeze (and even moreso Two-Face) is much larger than Batman. You may be able to chalk that up to the suit for Freeze, here, but I can't find much of an excuse for Two Face. In any event, if you can forgive the scale change, this is a great looking figure. Otherwise, keep him in-package and you'll never be able to tell...
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