I bought 101 action figures in 2016. For anyone outside the toy-collecting-hobby world, I'm certain that would sound like an exorbitant amount. Combine that with the fact that my purchases totaled just shy of $5,000 and it would be a fair assumption that this "hobby" could easily be considered "excessive" or bordering on "out of control." All that considered, 2016 was actually the year I got my habit under control. Both my total number of figures, and my total amount spent were down from previous years, and (more importantly) I no longer feel like the toys own me: I don't buy out of anxiety or fear, and I rarely regret my purchases any longer.
My resolution for 2016 was to stop buying
everything, and focus on just the things I loved. I wanted to restrict my purchases to "items of quality." My mantra was going to be,
buy what I love, and love what I buy. For the most part, I managed to stick to that. I did veer off track on occasion (for instance, I regret buying a whole lot of Arkham video-game figures when I was completing Arkham City), but I was better than I'd been in previous years. All-told I've identified 17 figures that I regret buying as my "worst purchases" of 2016. The three worst were: 3) Play Arts Kai BvS Wonder Woman, 2) Play Arts Kai Rise of the Tomb Raider, and 1) Figma Windranger. Man, that Windranger was a total dud, and the first figma I've ever been completely disappointed in. The two terrible PAK figures sealed my intentions not to buy those any more, and I have no interest in going back.
I also planned to restrict the buying of doubles, which I wasn't quite as successful with (I bought 8 doubles and 1 triple, 6 of which were NECA figures). The triple (Ultimate Kratos) was absolutely unnecessary, but he is an awesome figure. For 2017, my plans are more restrictive. I'd like my total number of purchases to cut in half: 50 or less. I'm not worrying too much about the total amount spent - I figure that will come down significantly. To that effect, I'm planning to focus my collecting to the following.
First and foremost, I'm in for Mezco's One:12 Collective. These are the figures that currently make me enjoy the hobby the most. My two favorite figures of 2016 are from the One:12 Collective. I love everything about these figures, and it's the only line that makes me want to buy figures of characters I have almost no interest in. I'm not interested in being a completist, mind (no Kirk, Frank or Sulu for me). I've learned my lesson about that. But I am willing to go for figures I'd never consider in any other format (Punisher, Daredevil and Green Arrow). With possibilities for a Dawn of Justice Batmobile and an oversized Darkseid this year, I'm predicting the bulk of my funds will go towards this line.
Second, I'll keep my eyes open for S.H. MonsterArts and 3A Toys 2000AD lines. No re-paints for the SHMA line for me, and I won't pre-order anything, but if they make a figure of a character missing from the collection
and the QC on it is good, I'll bite. I've had pretty good luck (I'm very happy with my 1954, GMK, 1989 and 2016 figures from this past year) and the QC on my particular pieces has been good, so I'm not completely turned-off, but I am wary. So far as 3A goes, I'm in for the Dark Judges (Fear and Mortis are due for release any day), the 12" Dredd and anything else from that universe. However, since it takes a year or more for the figures to move from initial pre-ordering to actual release, and nothing beyond those have been mentioned, I feel pretty confident that I won't be buying past those 3. No more doubles on those, though. I've got 2 Death figures and 3 Dredd figures (1 is the Comic Book Version). Mortis and Fear will be 1 apiece.
Third, I'll be on the lookout for NECA's 1/4 scale Batman-themed figures. I love every Q-scale NECA I've bought this past year (6 of them), and I've had to work really hard NOT to go for the amazing Deadpool. Catwoman is on pre-order and they've mentioned that they are not done with Batman quarter-scale, so I'll wait to see what comes around.
Finally, my MOST anticipated line for 2017 is actually not one line, but 2: Storm Collectibles Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter V figures. They look amazing, are just starting to release, and hopefully will be successful enough to go past the initial releases. I've got MK Scorpion on the way right now, and pre-orders in for Sub-Zero, Ryu, Ken, and Bison. I like the look of these way more than the Figuarts Street Fighters we've seen (yes, I've got those on pre-order, too), and I'm really, really looking forward to what Storm might be able to pitch our way. We've seen prototypes for Goro and Shao-Khan, and I'm hoping we will see some female figures in the not-too-distant future.
Outside of those, I'll keep my eyes open for a miscellaneous gem every so-often. It's always nice to be surprised, and I've got to be open to a movie, video game or figure coming out of nowhere to capture my interest, but my plan right now (two weeks into the new year!) is to stay focused,
buy what I love, and love what I buy.