Sunday, January 29, 2023

MAZINGER Z - Soul of Chogokin 50th Anniversary GX-105 figure review

My first reaction on GX-105's arrival was one of surprise - the box is shockingly compact! Beside my GX-70 Mazinger Z packaging, it's positively diminutive both in terms of general dimensions and thickness. My second reaction was that the front box illustration is beautiful. There's something I really like about the way the front is laid out, and I particularly like the colors and pose used in the shot of Mazinger Z. The back shows the standard fare: shots of Z in various poses with the included accessories. I must confess, I pre-ordered this GX-105 more out of obligation than interest: I collect Mazinger Z figures, and a new SOC version is an automatic purchase for me (likewise, I have Garada and Doublas on pre-order). That said, I wouldn't consider myself particularly excited about its release, which seems weird to me. I ought to be over the moon at a new Mazinger, but I think I was figuring it wouldn't be too different from my GX-70. Since its release, I've seen several reviews of the new GX-105, and it does look to be an all-new sculpt. I've gotten more and more excited, and now I can't wait to check this guy out! I do expect it to have fewer accessories than previous releases, but I'm not too concerned about that at the moment, since I tend not to use many of them anyway, and I'm hoping (in the event that I DO want to use something else) that GX-70's can be subbed in here in a pinch. In any event, it's time to check this guy out...

Initial impressions: The first thing that struck me is that the crown on this Mazinger Z is enormous. Especially without the pilder docked, it is simply huge. The figure looks great, with wonderful colors and paint. The accessories? Most striking is that there is no stand included here. I have mixed reactions to this. I didn't find the enormous stands necessary but it was pretty cool to have them, and to be able to store accessories inside of them. I guess there's just not enough here to necessitate such an inclusion? This is a fairly bare-bones version. We get two sets of alternate hands - yup, only two. Closed fists and open palms. One pilder, an alternate stomach piece with the missile launcher open, 3 missiles and the scrander (which needs to be assembled). There are two gimmicks that I'm aware of. First, the forearms include little flame effects at the elbow attachment and these can be "rocket punch" fired by pushing a button. Second, the torso missiles can be launched by pressing a button. I'm not a huge fan of gimmicks like these, as I don't spend much time launching parts at anything else in my space, but so long as they look cool on the shelf I don't care. And that's it. Pretty sparse, but I'm totally fine with it because (like I said) most times the accessories end up staying in the box or stored in the stand anyway. The one part I would normally look to use would be a gripping hand and Mazinger Z's sword, but I'll see if I can get GX-70's over here to this guy if I want to...

The proportions on GX-105 differ greatly from those of GX-70. The lower legs are slightly shorter, the thighs are thicker, the diaper is less rounded, the lower torso is wider, the arms are longer and slightly thicker, and the shoulders sit wider apart. The head is also significantly larger. The overall look is more imposing and substantive, despite the height of the figure remaining about the same across both figures. I think it's more accurate to the anime, but there are times when the head just looks oversized to me.

The scrander is easy enough to attach, as is the pilder, and both look awesome once in place. I do find the articulation to be a bit more limited than in the GX-70, but I will be fine with it, as he'll end up in a basic museum pose on the shelf anyway. 

Overall, GX-105 is an update that's worthy of purchase, in my book. The proportions and overall look are better and it's just a fun figure. Even having GX-70, I don't feel like I've wasted my money in any way, and the three of them look right at home together in my display!

GX-70 and GX-105

GX-70, GX-105 and GX-73 (Great Mazinger)

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